Browse performances by artists

Jaime Torres

Charango master and singer Jaime Torres is an artist who , true to his roots and to the cultural values ​​of its people, transcends far beyond the scope of his country of origin. The acting talent of Jaime Torres and his deep and rich voice timber, have shown the world that, in his hands, charango is much more than an accompanying instrument.
Click to view Jaime Torres's performances

Steve Argüelles

English Jazz drummer, always playing with Benoit Delbecq in an electronic duo called Ambitronix, Steve Argüelles mastered his instrument so far that he can breaks the rules, and truly shifts a whole paradigm.
Click to view Steve Argüelles's performances

Benoit Delbecq & Edward Perraud

Two notorious and passionate musicians from the jazz scene : a pianist and a drummer, joining forces to deliver a piece of pure poetry.
Click to view Benoit Delbecq & Edward Perraud's performances

Bruno Chevillon

Everything recorded in a real live acoustic church with a state of the art technical process. Bruno Chevillon was definitely the only artist for such a project: a great musician and immense instrumentalist, he completely understood the project. He offers us a beautiful voyage filled with rich imagination and real instrumental mastery.
Click to view Bruno Chevillon's performances

Jérémie Ternoy Trio

The trio formed by Jérémie Ternoy (piano), Nicolas Mahieux (bass) and Charles Duytschaever (drums) is remarkable for its cohesion of sound and music.
The high definition recording allows us to feel the great complicity between the musicians up close, particularly the work on timbre, space, and the poetry of the compositions.
Click to view Jérémie Ternoy Trio's performances

Gustavo Beytelmann

The Argentinian pianist Gustavo Beytelmann is one of the most talented examples of modernity in the service of Argentinian musical tradition. By abolishing boundaries in style, he enriches the art of the tango by subtley joining improvisation with research in the sonorities, harmonies and rythms of the great schools of contemporary music.
Click to view Gustavo Beytelmann's performances

Kamilya Jubran

Kamilya Jubran proposes a resolutely contemporary and poetic approach to music. The high definition recording in the ever so inspiring acoustics of the little Saint Lambert des Bois church, allows for the appreciation of every little sonic detail with a particularly bewitching feeling of space.

Kamilya Jubran’s voice and compositions come from afar. A deep, loved, rummaged, digested, jostled but ever present culture and one that opens new paths.

Click to view Kamilya Jubran's performances


Teta hails from Ampanihi, a village located on the long track connecting Tulear and Fort Dauphin, right in the Great South region of Madagascar. Teta writes songs in the manner of Malagasy storytellers, putting forth ideas, raising issues and tackling the concerns of the Great Isle inhabitants.

He was soon nicknamed “the nimble-fingered guitarist“. Indeed, his fingers dance on the neck of his guitar with amazing dexterity, attaining the most unexpected harmonic sonorities along with his personal rhythmic phrasing. Teta has always remained faithful to his origins and the fast, bewitching 6/8 Tsapiky rhythm that accompagnies all festive events as well as trance ceremonies throughout the region.

Click to view Teta's performances

Double Rainbow

Two earthmen have found satellite fragments in space.
They play a riff on them.
Do they know they’ve become crazy?
That Bob Marley is conducting Varese?
That Max Roach dreams of Bali?
That nothing is like we thought it was anymore?
In sonic frenzies each word becomes a sound,
Each sound becomes meaning.
Do these two drummers realize they’re playing poetry?
Click to view Double Rainbow's performances

Bojan Z

Multiple prize awarded jazz pianist Bojan Z was born in a music loving family in Belgrade in 1968. He starts playing the piano at the age of 5.

“In my country, music is a very widespread activity, and since working days finish quite early, family and friends would gather at my parent’s house as early as 3 o’clock in the afternoon to socialize and play music until late at night. I used to go to sleep listening to these Yugoslavian folksongs."

Click to view Bojan Z's performances

Free Download

These are free downloads we propose. They will allow you to try out and see the real high quality of our performances in your installation.
Click to view Free Download's performances